今回は、釣り好き必見の動画をご紹介します!『ふたつの釣り部屋』シリーズの中でも、今回は伊藤巧さんの釣り部屋&カフェ『CAFE ITO』をご紹介します。伊藤巧さんの釣り部屋は、釣りグッズや釣果の写真がびっしりと飾られており、まるで釣り専門店のような雰囲気が漂います。また、伊藤巧さんが手作りしたという木製のテーブルや棚もあるなど、こだわりのアイテムもたくさんあります。そして、釣り部屋と同じ敷地内にある『CAFE ITO』では、伊藤巧さんが自ら焙煎したコーヒーや、自家製のスイーツが楽しめます。釣り好きにはたまらない、落ち着いた雰囲気のカフェで、ゆっくりと釣り談義に花を咲かせてみてはいかがでしょうか?ぜひ、動画で詳しく紹介されている伊藤巧さんの釣り部屋&カフェ『CAFE ITO』を覗いてみてください!
In this issue, we would like to introduce a must-see video for fishing enthusiasts! In the “Two Fishing Rooms” series, we will introduce you to Takumi Ito’s fishing room and cafe “CAFE ITO”. Takumi Ito’s fishing room is decorated with fishing goods and photos of his catches, giving it the atmosphere of a specialty fishing store. There are also wooden tables and shelves that were handmade by Takumi Ito. At CAFE ITO, located on the same premises as the fishing room, visitors can enjoy coffee roasted by Takumi Ito himself and homemade sweets. How about enjoying a relaxing fishing talk in the relaxed atmosphere of the café, which is a must for fishing enthusiasts? Please take a peek at Takumi Ito’s fishing room and cafe “CAFE ITO,” which is introduced in detail in the video!
題名:【ふたつの釣り部屋】伊藤巧の汚部屋&CAFE ITOをご紹介