

「【Taku Ito】バスマスタークラシック2023 テネシーリバー Part2【メディアインタビュー】- プロアングラーの洞察と戦略が明らかに」  “【Taku Ito】Bassmaster Classic 2023 at Tennessee River Part2【Media Interview】- Pro Angler’s Insights and Strategies Revealed”

伊藤巧選手が参加したBassmaster Classic 2023のテネシーリバーでの様子を収めた貴重な映像で、今回はメディアインタビューの模様が収録されています。
伊藤選手は、世界的なバスフィッシング大会であるBassmaster Classicに出場し、その舞台でのプレッシャーや彼の戦略に迫るインタビューが行われました。
This rare video captures Takumi Ito’s participation in the Bassmaster Classic 2023 on the Tennessee River, and this time includes a media interview.
Ito competed in the Bassmaster Classic, a world-class bass fishing tournament, and the interview takes a close look at the pressures and his strategies on that stage.
In this video, you will hear about how Ito prepared for the tournament, his enthusiasm for the competition, his tactics, and his passion for bass fishing.
It is a must-see video for bass fishing fans and anglers, as it is full of behind-the-scenes information and pro-angler perspectives that only a media interview can provide.
Please take a glimpse into Takumi Ito’s passion for bass fishing and his perspective through this valuable interview video.

題名 title:【Taku Ito】Bassmaster Classic 2023 at Tennessee River Part2【Media Interview】
出演者 performer:伊藤巧


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