釣り界の伝説、奥村和正氏がモンスターバスの追跡に挑む最新作、「奥村和正×モンスター大追跡 in 池原ダム」がついに登場しました!Vish奥村和正が贈る「REAL ADJUST[リアルアジャスト]」シリーズの第2弾は、さらなるスリルと興奮をお届けします!
「奥村和正×モンスター大追跡 in 池原ダム」は、釣り愛好者にとっての必見の一本です。奥村和正氏の情熱と釣り技術の融合が生み出すスリリングな瞬間を体験し、自身の釣りスキルを向上させるための貴重な情報を手に入れましょう。
ぜひ、この興奮と冒険に満ちた釣り動画、「奥村和正×モンスター大追跡 in 池原ダム」【Vish 奥村和正REALADJUST (リアルアジャスト) vol.2】をご覧ください。釣りの魅力と楽しさを存分に味わい、新たな釣りの領域へと飛躍しましょう!
Fishing legend Kazumasa Okumura finally delivers his latest video, “Kazumasa Okumura x Monster Great Chase in Ikehara Dam,” in which he takes on the challenge of chasing monster bass! The second installment of the “REAL ADJUST [Real Adjust]” series presented by Vish Kazumasa Okumura delivers even more thrills and excitement!
In this hot fishing video, Kazumasa Okumura takes on the challenge of searching for monster bass at Ikehara Dam. In this powerful video, you will see how Mr. Okumura develops a strategy to catch huge bass, using meticulous planning and amazing techniques.
The Ikehara Dam is known for its deep water and vast area, and is a treasure trove of monster bass. Okumura uses his experience fishing here to trigger monster bass attacks by using special lures and techniques, and successfully captures the moment when they strike.
Kazumasa Okumura x Monster Great Chase in Ikehara Dam” is a must-see for fishing enthusiasts. Experience the thrilling moments created by the fusion of Kazumasa Okumura’s passion and fishing techniques, and gain valuable information to improve your own fishing skills.
Please watch this exciting and adventurous fishing video, “Kazumasa Okumura x Monster Great Chase in Ikehara Dam” [Vish Kazumasa Okumura REALADJUST (Real Adjust) vol.2]. Enjoy the charm and fun of fishing to the fullest and take a leap into a new realm of fishing!
題名 title:「奥村和正×モンスター大追跡 in 池原ダム」【Vish 奥村和正REALADJUST (リアルアジャスト) vol.2】
出演者 performer:奥村和正