
2023年のBassmaster Classicがテネシーリバーで開催される前、伊藤巧選手が練習を行った様子を収めた貴重な映像です。
伊藤選手は世界的なバスフィッシング大会であるBassmaster Classicに挑戦し、その舞台に向けてテネシーリバーでの練習に取り組んでいます。
This is a rare video of Takumi Ito practicing before the 2023 Bassmaster Classic is held on the Tennessee River.
Ito is challenging the Bassmaster Classic, a world-class bass fishing tournament, and has been practicing on the Tennessee River in preparation for that stage.
In this video, you can see Ito practicing and his signature techniques. The glimpse into his fishing sense and strategy makes this video interesting for bass fishing enthusiasts and anglers.
We hope you will experience Takumi Ito’s fishing techniques and passion through this valuable video.
題名 title:【Taku Ito】Bassmaster Classic 2023 at Tennessee River【practice】
出演者 performer:伊藤巧