Lure Juku⑭, a highly anticipated new episode of “Hiro Naito Style Bass Fishing,” is a must-see fishing video that explains intermediate-level fall turnover strategies! In this informative episode, bass fishing pro Hiro Naito teaches effective strategies for the fall turnover fishing situation.
This video covers the basics and applications of fall turnover for beginner and intermediate anglers. Based on Hiro Naito’s extensive experience and meticulous analysis, important points such as why bass are more active during fall turnover, effective lure selection, and casting and retrieve techniques are explained in detail.
In addition, this episode also introduces useful strategies for intermediate anglers. The book is full of practical advice on how to maximize fishing results, such as selecting areas, reading fall turnover timing, producing appropriate action and speed, and applying effective techniques.
Lure School of “Hiro Naito-style Bass Fishing”⑭ is a must-have for intermediate-level anglers to take the next step. If you are looking to improve your bass fishing skills or are interested in fall turnover strategies, this is a video not to be missed. Seize the opportunity to improve your own fishing techniques while experiencing Hiro Naito’s unique approach and enthusiasm!
題名 title:【ヒロ内藤流バス釣り】ルアー塾⑭フォールターンオーバー攻略法【バス釣り202中級編】
出演者 performer:ヒロ内藤