
A new episode of “Bass Fishing the Hiro Naito Way,” Lure School (15) is a valuable fishing video for beginning anglers to consider lure colors! In this informative episode, bass fishing pro Hiro Naito goes into detail about lure color selection.
This video provides beginners with easy-to-understand explanations of everything from basic principles to practical techniques for choosing lure colors. Experienced advice from Hiro Naito details important points such as which colors to choose in which situations and effective color pattern combinations under specific conditions.
In addition, the episode provides helpful tips for beginning anglers. Practical advice is provided, including tips on choosing colors according to water clarity, weather effects, seasonal and area characteristics, and techniques for eliciting bass reactions.
Lure School of “Hiro Naito-style Bass Fishing” (15) is a must for beginners. This video is indispensable for those who want to solidify their bass fishing fundamentals and understand the importance of lure color selection. Seize the opportunity to improve your own fishing techniques while experiencing the knowledge and passion of Mr. Hiro Naito!
題名 title:【ヒロ内藤流バス釣り】ルアー塾⑮ルアーのカラーを考える!【バス釣り101初級編】
出演者 performer:ヒロ内藤