
「【ヒロ内藤流バス釣り】ルアー塾⑤「バス釣り3大重要要素 2」リトリーブ・スピードを考える【バス釣り101初心者】」は、釣り好きなら見逃せない動画です。ヒロ内藤氏の貴重なアドバイスを聞いてみてください。釣り技術の向上に役立つ情報が詰まっています。
Introducing the latest in a series of fishing videos useful for beginners and advanced anglers alike. This episode focuses on an important element of bass fishing called “retrieve speed. Hiro Naito explains in an easy-to-understand manner how to choose the right speed and technique depending on the fishing location and situation.
In this video, he specifically introduces points for adjusting retrieve speed and effective techniques. It is especially useful for beginners, but also provides new discoveries and ideas for advanced anglers. Through Hiro Naito’s clear explanations and demonstrations, readers will be able to experience the joys and techniques of fishing.
The video “[HIRO NAITO’S STYLE OF BASS FISHING] Lure School 5: The Three Most Important Elements of Bass Fishing 2: Retrieve and Speed” (Bass Fishing 101 for Beginners) is a video that no fishing enthusiast should miss. Listen to Mr. Hiro Naito’s valuable advice. It is packed with information that will help you improve your fishing techniques.
題名 title:【ヒロ内藤流バス釣り】ルアー塾⑤「バス釣り3大重要要素 2」リトリーブ・スピードを考える【バス釣り101初心者】
出演者 performer:ヒロ内藤