この動画は、「京弥のターン」というシリーズの第1弾として、Ultimate BASS by DAIWA Vol.446にて公開されました。JBTOP50参戦記の遠賀川戦に挑む京弥さんの釣りを追った、3本立ての動画の1つです。遠賀川の難しさに戸惑いながらも、京弥さんは自身の釣りの哲学に基づいた戦略を立て、ブラックバスを次々と釣り上げます。その釣りの様子は、迫力ある映像とともに、解説者の声で分かりやすく伝えられています。釣りファンなら必見の動画です。
This video, the first in a series called “Kyoya’s Turn,” was released in Ultimate BASS by DAIWA Vol. 446 and is one of three videos following Kyoya’s fishing challenge in the Ongagawa River in his JBTOP50 entry. Despite being perplexed by the difficulty of the Ongagawa River, Kyoya’s strategy is based on his own fishing philosophy, and he catches ayu fish and black bass one after another. His fishing is conveyed in an easy-to-understand manner through the commentator’s voice, along with powerful images. This video is a must-see for fishing fans.
題名:【京弥のターン】 JBTOP50参戦記 遠賀川戦File01/03|Ultimate BASS by DAIWA Vol.446