

トッププロ御用達の結び方。ハングマンズノットを大森貴洋さんが紹介!The knot used by top professionals. Takahiro Omori introduces the Hangman’s Knot!

In this issue, we will introduce an easy and reliable knot recommended by world-class fishing professional Takahiro Omori.
The knot recommended by Mr. Omori is called the “Hangman’s Knot. This knot is used by even professionals who repeatedly retie many times a day because the knot is not slippery and has high strength.
The Hangman’s Knot is easy to learn even for fishing beginners, and is sure to be useful in the fishing field. We hope you will enjoy fishing with the Hangman’s Knot recommended by Omori!

題名:大森&宮崎 『プロから盗め!』 ~Part 2~ ノット紹介


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