
この釣り動画「BBTIME バス釣り – 早春の七色ダムを藤田京弥が攻略」は、ピクピクとドリフトクラブがお届けする興奮満点の釣り体験です。プロアングラーの藤田京弥が、早春の美しい七色ダムでバス釣りに挑戦します。
「BBTIME バス釣り – 早春の七色ダムを藤田京弥が攻略」は、釣り好きならずとも楽しめる魅力的な動画です。釣りの醍醐味を味わいたい方や藤田京弥の釣りテクニックに興味のある方にとって、必見の一本となることでしょう。
This fishing video, “BBTIME Bass Fishing – Kyoya Fujita Takes on Shichishiki Dam in Early Spring” is an exciting fishing experience brought to you by Piku Piku and Drift Club. Professional angler Kyoya Fujita tries his hand at bass fishing at the beautiful Nanashiki Dam in early spring.
Kyoya Fujita is an experienced angler and uses his techniques and insight to capture the bass of Nanashiki Dam. His fishing skills and passion are truly a moment to behold for viewers.
To capture the exciting moments of fishing in this video, professional cameramen from Pikpik and Drift Club use the latest filming techniques. The beautiful natural environment and the excitement of fishing are expressed in powerful images, drawing viewers into the realistic world of fishing.
In this video, Kyoya Fujita details what tackle and lures he uses and how he approaches bass. He also shares valuable advice and techniques gleaned from his experience and knowledge. It will be a valuable source of information for fishing enthusiasts and beginners alike.
BBTIME Bass Fishing – Kyoya Fujita Attacks Nanashiki Dam in Early Spring” is a fascinating video that can be enjoyed by anglers and anglers alike. It is a must-see for those who want to experience the real thrill of fishing and are interested in Kyoya Fujita’s fishing techniques.
題名 title:【BBTIME バス釣り】早春の七色ダムを藤田京弥が攻略|ピクピク、ドリフトクラブ
出演者 performer:藤田京弥